My fire/kin controller at level 47

Here is my current build and slotting for my level 47 fire/kin controller, Late Bloomer, as of last week. A resized clip is posted – click it for the full build.


This at least gives an idea of how one of my fire controllers is built.  I’ve hit level 48 since getting the screenshot, but haven’t updated my screenshot yet to reflect that fact.  I also haven’t noted what each Hamidon enhancement is in this build, so I can’t post here what they are.

I’ll not be able to work much on my fire controller guide for a few days, so it will proabably be sometime next week before the writeup for the primary is completed.  After that is done, I’ll start on power pools and radiation and kinetic secondaries.  Feel free to post comments or questions here, as accounts are not required to post right now (and will remain that way unless I start having spam problems).

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