My leet leet market buy

In honor of the million influence salvage thread over on the City of Heroes forum, I decided to out-leet everyone.


My car needed a hatchback hydraulic replaced.


I bid a leet, leet amount of 13371337.


My bid showed up for but a moment.


Fortunately, I was able to snag one for my desired price.  It was a tense quarter of a second from when the bid showed up until it was filled.  I was worried I couldn’t get my car repaired for my desired price.

2 thoughts on “My leet leet market buy”

  1. Unfortunately the market changed your “leetleet” to “le,etl,eet” but I’m still glad you did it!

    Now will someone up the ante and buy 10 for the leetleet price?! 😀

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