My Task Force pool C invention drops

Well, I’ve been abusing the Katie Hannon express task force run, and have had very mixed results with the recipe drops. I’ve gotten a couple of Miracle uniques, and 5 leaping +stealth, but I’ve also gotten a number of less than exciting drops. So to allow others to see the good and bad (and draw invalid conclusions about the quality of the random drops system), I’m going to post each run’s results here for any task force. The most recent runs will be able the top, counting down to the oldest at the bottom. Simply, this will be lines with the task force, character, and drop.

  • Imperious – L40 MA/Rgn scrapper – Pacing of the Turtle: Chance for recharge slow (L41)
  • Imperious – L50 MA/Nin stalker – Call of the Sandman: Acc/Sleep/Rchg (L50)
  • Imperious – L49 MA/Nin stalker – Ghost Widow’s Embrace: Chance for Psi dmg (L50)
  • Imperious – L44 MA/Nin stalker – Executioner’s Contract: Dmg/Rchg (L44)
  • Katie Hannon – L50 Dark/Dark defender – Touch of Lady Grey: End/Rchg (L50)
  • Imperious – L38 MA/Rgn scrapper – Call of the Sandman: Chance for self heal (L39)
  • Imperious – L42 MA/Nin stalker – Sting on the Manticore: Acc/Int/Rng (L43)
  • Imperious – L41 MA/Nin stalker – Glimpse of the Abyss: Chance for Psionic Damage (L42)
  • Imperious – L39 MA/Nin stalker – Trap of the Hunter: Chance for Lethal (L40)
  • Katie Hannon – L37 MA/Rgn scrapper – Perfect Zinger: Rchg/Acc (L37)
  • Cap au Diable – L44 SS/Fire brute – Perfect Zinger: Rchg/Acc (L44)
  • Imperious – L44 SS/Fire brute – Call of the Sandman: Chance for self heal (L45)
  • Katie Hannon – L50 D/D defender – Scirocco’s Dervish: Chance for Lethal – 18:27 completion
  • Katie Hannon – L37 MA/Rgn scrapper – ForceFeedback: Rchg/End Rdx (L37) – 24:03 completion time felt good.
  • Sister Psyche – L25 Dark/Ice defender – Trap of the Hunter: Chance for Lethal Damage (L25)
  • Cap au Diable – L22 EM/Rgn stalker -Scirocco’s Dervish:Acc/Dmg/End Rdx (L22)
  • Cap au Diable – L22 EM/Rgn stalker – Impervious Skin: End/Rchg/Res (L22)
  • Katie Hannon – L50 Dark/Dark defender – Sovereign Right: Acc/End Rdx (L50)
  • Imperious – L43 SS/Fire brute – Touch of Lady Grey: Rchg/End Rdx (L46)
  • Imperious – L41 SS/Fire brute – Pacing of the Turtle: End/Rchg/Slow (L44) – I also got 11 *other* recipe drops (8 non-common) and 18 salvage drops on this ITF
  • Katie Hannon – L35 Claws/Rgn scrapper – Gift of the Ancients: Defense (L35)
  • Synapse – L20 Dark/Ice defender – Pulverizing Fisticuffs: Acc/Dmg/End/Rchg (L20)
  • Katie Hannon – L50 Dark/Dark defender – Force Feedback: Rchg/End (L50)
  • Katie Hannon – L33 Mind/TA controller – Aegis: End/Rchg (L34)
  • Cap au Diable – L32 Dark/Kin corruptor – Unbounded Leaping: +stealth (L32)
  • Katie Hannon – L34 Claws/Rgn scrapper – Scirocco’s Dervish: Acc/Dmg/End (L34)
  • Katie Hannon – L37 MA/Rgn scrapper – Decimation: Acc/End/Rchg (L37)
  • Katie Hannon – L43 Fire/Rad controller – Devastation: Chance to Hold (L43) – also 2 rare arcane and 2 pool B recipes dropped for me on this one
  • Positron (why do I do this to myself – twice in 3 days?) – L16 Fire/Storm controller: Edict of the Master: Pet 5% defense aura (L16)
  • Katie Hannon – L33 Claws/Rgn scrapper – Impervious Skin: End/Rchg/Res (L30)
  • Imperious – L40 SS/Fire brute – Aegis: End/Rchg (L41)
  • Katie Hannon – L33 Claws/Rgn scrapper – Performance Shifter: Rchg/Acc (L34)
  • Katie Hannon – L32 Claws/Rgn scrapper – Positron’s Blast: Acc/Dmg/End Rdx (L33)
  • Katie Hannon – L32 Claws/Rgn scrapper – Impervious Skin: End/Rchg/Res (L30)
  • Positron – L16 Dark/Ice defender – Cacophony: Acc/Confuse/Rchg (L16)
  • Abandoned Sewers trail (dear $deity, does this trial suck balls) – L38 Dark/Dark scrapper – Stupefy: Chance for knockdown (L40)
  • Ernesto Hess – L30 Claws/Rgn scrapper – Edict of the Master: Damage (L30)
  • Katie Hannon – L37 MA/Rgn scrapper – Trap of the Hunter: Chance for Lethal Damage (L37)
  • Katie Hannon – L35 MA/Rgn scrapper – Glimpse of the Abyss: Acc/Fear/Rchg (L35)
  • Katie Hannon – L35 MA/Rgn scrapper -Devastation: Chance to Hold (L35)
  • Katie Hannon – L35 MA/Rgn scrapper – Impervium Armor: Resistance (L35)
  • Imperious – L49 Ice/Kin corruptor – Executioner’s Contract: Dmg/Rchg (L50)
  • Imperious – L48 Ice/Kin corruptor – Malaise’s Illusions: Acc/Conf/Rchg (L50)
  • Katie Hannon – L50 Dark/Dark defender – Sovereign Right: +10% res aura (L50)
  • Eden – L50 Spines/Dark scrapper – Aegis: End Rdx/Rchg (L50)
  • Katie Hannon – L50 Dark/Dark defender – Scirocco’s Dervish: Chance for Lethal Damage (L50)
  • Katie Hannon – L50 Spines/Dark scrapper – Stupefy: Acc/Stun/Rchg (L50)
  • Katie Hannon – L50 Dark/Dark defender – Perfect Zinger: Acc/Rchg (L50)
  • Katie Hannon – L49 Spines/Dark scrapper – Gaussian’s Synchronized Fire-Control: Rchg/End Rdx (L49)
  • SharksHead SF – L32 Dark/Kin corruptor – Unspeakable Terror: Chance to disorient (L30) – this is absolutely one of the most worthless IOs in the game
  • Katie Hannon – L50 Dark/Dark defender – Executioner’s Contract: Disorient Bonus (L50)
  • Katie Hannon – L48 Spines/Dark scrapper – Sting of the Manticore: Acc/Int/Range (L48)
  • Katie Hannon – L48 Spines/Dark scrapper – Ghost Widow’s Embrace: Acc/Hold/Rchg (L48)
  • Katie Hannon – L50 Dark/Dark defender – Devastation: Chance to hold (L50)
  • Eden – L40 Kin/Elec defender – Sting of the Manticore: Chance for Toxic Damage (L40)
  • Eden – L48 Spines/Dark scrapper – Stupefy: Acc/End/Rchg (L48)
  • Eden – L40 Kin/Elec defender – Ghost Widow’s Embrace: Chance for Psionic Damage (L41)
  • Eden – L48 Spines/Dark scrapper – Executioner’s Contract: Disorient bonus (L48)
  • Katie Hannon – L48 Spines/Dark scrapper – Malaise’s Illusion: Acc/Confuse/Rchg (L48)
  • Katie Hannon – L48 Spines/Dark scrapper – Executioner’s Contract: Disorient bonus (L48)
  • Katie Hannon – L50 Dark/Dark defender – Force Feedback: Rchg/End Rdx (L50)
  • Eden – L50 Dark/Dark defender – Celerity: +Stealth (L50)
  • Eden – L50 Dark/Dark defender – Executioner’s Contract: Dmg/Rchg (L50)
  • Katie Hannon – L48 Spines/Dark scrapper – Positron’s Blast:Dmg/Acc/End (L48)
  • Katie Hannon – L48 Dark/Dark defender – Mako’s Bite: Dmg/Rchg (L48)
  • Katie Hannon – L48 Dark/Dark defender – Numina’s Convalescence: Heal/Rchg (L48)
  • Cap Au Diable – L32 Dark/Kin corruptor – Ghost Widow’s Embrace: Chance for Psionic Damage (L32)
  • Eden – L39 Kin/Elec defender – Edict of the Master: +5% def (L40)
  • Eden – L45 Spines/Dark scrapper – Executioner’s Contract: Dmg/Rchg (L45)
  • Eden – L45 Spines/Dark scrapper – Mako’s Bite: Dmg/Rchg (L45)
  • Eden – L39 Kin/Elec defender – Pacing of the Turtle: Chance for recharge slow (L41)
  • Eden – L39 Kin/Elec defender – Numina’s Convalescence: Heal/Rchg (L41)
  • Eden – L45 Spines/Dark scrapper – Sovereign Right: +10% res aura (L45)
  • Katie Hannon – L37 Fire/Rad controller – Performance Shifter: Acc/Rchg (L37)
  • Eden – L45 Spines/Dark scrapper – Malaise’s Illusions: Acc/Confuse/Rchg (L45)
  • Eden – L39 Kin/Elec defender – Mako’s Bite: Chance for Lethal Damage (L41)
  • Eden – L45 Spines/Dark scrapper – Sting of the Manticore: Chance for Toxic Damage (L45)
  • Katie Hannon – L48 Dark/Dark defender – Malaise’s Illusion: Acc/Confuse/Rchg (L48)
  • Eden – L45 Spines/Dark scrapper – Ghost Widow’s Embrace: Acc/Hold/Rchg (L45)
  • Eden – L39 Kin/Elec defender – Trap of the Hunter: Acc/Immob/Rchg (L41)
  • Eden – L45 Spines/Dark scrapper – Celerity: +stealth (L45)
  • Katie Hannon – L45 Spines/Dark scrapper – Failed. Miserably. WTF runs the first mission on invince without at least one or two endurance buffing teammates?
  • Katie Hannon – L48 Dark/Dark defender – Freebird +stealth (L48)
  • Katie Hannon – L37 Fire/Rad controller – Celerity: +stealth (L37)
  • Katie Hannon – L48 Dark/Dark defender – Glimpse of the Abyss: Acc/Fear/Rchg (L50)
  • Katie Hannon – L48 Dark/Dark defender – Aegis: End/Rchg (L48)
  • Katie Hannon – L35 Emp/Psy defender – Malaise’s Illusion: Chance for Psionic damage (L35)
  • Katie Hannon – L31 Mind/Trick Arrow controller – Executioner’s Contract: Disorient Bonus (L34)
  • Katie Hannon – L48 Dark/Dark defender – Call of the Sandman: Chance for self-heal (L48)
  • Katie Hannon – L37 Fire/Rad controller – Impervium Armor: Resistance (L37)
  • Katie Hannon – L48 Dark/Dark defender – Positron’s Blast: Dmg/Acc/End (L48) – (also got a Crushing Impact Dmg/End/Rchg L34 drop during this TF)
  • Katie Hannon – L48 Dark/Dark defender – Numina’s Convalescence: Heal/Rchg (L48)
  • Katie Hannon – L47 Dark/Dark defender – Pacing of the Turtle: Chance for recharge slow (L47)
  • Eden – L38 Kin/Elec defender – Aegis: +Psionic and Mez resist (L41)
  • Eden – L45 Spines/Dark scrapper – Luck of the Gambler: +7.5% global recharge (L45)
  • Katie Hannon – L47 Dark/Dark defender – Call of the Sandman: Chance for Self-Heal (L47)
  • Katie Hannon – L45 Spines/Dark scrapper – Trap of the Hunter: Acc/Immob/Rchg (L45)
  • Katie Hannon – L38 Dark/Dark scrapper – Executioner’s Contract: Disorient Bonus (L38)
  • Katie Hannon – L45 Spines/Dark scrapper – Sovereign Right: +10% res aura (L45)
  • Katie Hannon – L36 Fire/Rad controller – Malaise’s Illusion: Chance for Psi Dmg (L36)
  • Katie Hannon – L45 Spines/Dark scrapper – Sting of the Manticore: Acc/Int/Rng (L45)
  • Katie Hannon – L47 Dark/Dark defender – Trap of the Hunter: Chance for Lethal (L46L47)
  • Katie Hannon – L45 Spines/Dark scrapper – Time and Space manipulation: +Stealth (L45)
  • Eden – L44 Spines/Dark scrapper – Glimpse of the Abyss: Acc/Fear/Rchg (L44)
  • Lady Grey – L45 Dark/Dark defender – Touch of Lady Grey: Rchg/End Rdx (L48)
  • Katie Hannon – L44 Dark/Dark defender – Touch of Death: Acc/Dmg/End (L40)
  • Katie Hannon – L43 Spines/Dark scrapper – Dark Watcher’s Despair: Rchg/End Rdx (L43)
  • Katie Hannon – L43 Spines/Dark scrapper – Miracle: +recovery (L40)
  • Katie Hannon – L43 Dark/Dark defender – Luck of the Gambler: +7.5% rchg global (L43)
  • Katie Hannon – L43 Spines/Dark scrapper – Edict of the Master: +5% def (L40)
  • Katie Hannon – L42 Dark/Dark defender – Devastation: Dmg/Rchg (L42)
  • Katie Hannon – L42 Dark/Dark defender – Sovereign Right: +10% res aura (L43)
  • Katie Hannon – L34 Emp/Psy defender – Time and Space manipulation: +stealth (L34)
  • Statesman TF – L50 Fire/Kin controller – Devastation: Dmg/Rchg (L50)
  • Katie Hannon – L41 Dark/Dark Defender – Trap of the Hunter: Chance for Lethal Damage (L41)
  • Katie Hannon – L43 Fire/Rad controller – Edict of the Master: Damage (L40)
  • Katie Hannon – L39 Dark/Dark Defender – Trap of the Hunter: Acc/Immob/Rchg (L42)
  • Katie Hannon – L39 Dark/Dark Defender – Scirocco’s Dervish: Acc/Dmg/End (L39)
  • Katie Hannon – L39 Dark/Dark Defender – Trap of the Hunter: Chance for Lethal Damage (L39)
  • Leviathan SF – L28 SS/Fire brute – Aegis : End/Rchg (L30)
  • Katie Hannon – L50 Fire/Kin controller – Mako’s Bite: Dmg/Rchg (L50)
  • Katie Hannon – L39 Dark/Dark defender – Pacing of the Turtle: Chance to Slow (L38)
  • Katie Hannon – L33 Emp/Psy defender – Scirocco’s Dervish: Chance for Lethal Damage (L35)
  • Sister Psyche – L22 Spines/Rgn scrapper – Impervium: +Psy resist (L23)
  • Katie Hannon – L42 Spines/DA scrapper – Devastation: Dmg/Rchg (L40)
  • Katie Hannon – L36 Fire/Rad controller – Devastation: Chance to hold (L35)
  • Katie Hannon – L41 Spines/DA scrapper – Stupefy: Chance for knockback (L42)
  • Synapse – L19 Spines/Regen scrapper – Impeded Swiftness: End/Rchg/Slow (L20)
  • Manticore – L31 Emp/Psy defender – Sovereign Right: Acc/End (L34)
  • Katie Hannon – L34 Dark/Rgn scrapper – Trap of the Hunter: Acc/Immob/Rchg (L33)
  • Katie Hannon – L41 Fire/Rad controller – Edict of the Master: Pet 5% defense aura (L40)
  • Katie Hannon (post quick-Katie fix) L34 DM/Rgn scrapper – Executioner’s Contract: Dmg/Rchg (L34)
  • Silver Mantis – L21 SS/Fire brute – Gift of the Ancients: +7.5% run speed (L22)
  • Virgil Tarikoss – L19 SS/Fire brute – Pounding Slugfest: Chance to disorient (L20)
  • Katie Hannon – L36 Fire/Rad controller – Miracle: +recovery (L37)
  • Katie Hannon – L37 Dark/Dark defender – Executioner’s Contract: Dmg/Rchg (L38)
  • Katie Hannon – L37 Dark/Dark defender – Impervium Armor: +Psi resist (L37)
  • Katie Hannon – L33 Dark/Rgn scrapper – Mako’s Bite: Chance for Lethal Damage (L35)
  • Katie Hannon – L37 Dark/Dark defender – Numina’s Convalescence: +Rec/+Rgn (L38)
  • Katie Hannon – L33 MA/Rgn scrapper – Decimation: Acc/End/Rchg (L33)
  • Katie Hannon – L33 MA/Rgn scrapper – Time/Space manipulation: Stealth (L34)
  • Katie Hannon – L37 Spines/Dark scrapper – Aegis End/Rchg (L38)
  • Statesman – L50 Ill/Rad controller – Synthetic Centriole Exposure (Dmg/Rng – L50)
  • Katie Hannon – L33 DM/Rgn scrapper – Ghost Widow’s Embrace: Acc/End/Rchg (L33)
  • Katie Hannon – L32 MA/Rgn scrapper – Aegis: End/Rchg (L35) – also got Pangean Soil and Enchanted Impervium during this TF!
  • Katie Hannon – L37 Dark/Dark scrapper – Aegis: End/Rchg (L38)
  • Katie Hannon – L36 Fire/Rad controller – Unbounded Leap: +stealth (L37)
  • Katie Hannon – L36 Fire/Rad controller – Sting of the Manticore – Chance for Toxic (L36)
  • Katie Hannon – L37 Spines/Dark scrapper – Numina’s Convalescence – Heal/Rchg (L38)
  • Ernesto Hess – L25 Claws/Regen scrapper – Trap of the Hunter: Chance for Lethal Damage (L25)
  • Katie Hannon – L37 Dark/Dark defender – Numina’s Convalescence – Heal/Rchg (L37)
  • Katie Hannon – L37 Spines/Dark scrapper – Pacing of the Turtle: End/Rchg/Slow (L38)
  • Katie Hannon – L37 Dark/Dark scrapper – Stupefy: Chance for knockdown (L37)
  • Katie Hannon – L40 Fire/Rad controller – Edict of the Master: Damage (L40)
  • Katie Hannon – L32 MA/Rgn scrapper – Ghost Widow’s Embrace – Chance for Psionic damage (L34)
  • Katie Hannon – L32 Dark/Rgn scrapper – Entropic Chaos – Dmg/End/Rchg (L34)
  • Katie Hannon – L37 Dark/Dark scrapper – Sting of the Manticore – Chance for Toxic (L37)
  • Katie Hannon – L40 Fire/Rad controller – Luck of the Gambler: End/Rchg (L40)
  • Katie Hannon – L32 MA/Regen scrapper – Numina’s Convalescence – Heal/Rchg (L35)
  • Katie Hannon – L32 Dark/Regen scrapper – Mako’s Bite: Chance for lethal damage (L34)
  • Katie Hannon – L37 Dark/Dark defender – Positron’s Blast: Acc/Dmg/End (L37)
  • Katie Hannon – L37 Dark/Dark scrapper – Mako’s Bite: Chance for lethal damage (L38)
  • Katie Hannon – L40 Fire/Rad controller – Ghost Widow’s Embrace: Acc/Hold/Rchg (L40)
  • Katie Hannon – L40 Fire/Rad controller – Edict of the Master: Damage (L40)
  • Katie Hannon – L37 Dark/Dark scrapper – Stupefy: Chance for knockdown (L38)
  • Katie Hannon – L36 Fire/Rad controller – Devastation: Dmg/Rchg (L36)
  • Katie Hannon – L37 Spines/Dark scrapper – Pacing of the Turtle: End/Rchg/Slow (L38)
  • Katie Hannon – L36 Fire/Rad controller – Glimpse of the Abyss: Acc/Fear/Rchg (L36)
  • Katie Hannon – L50 Fire/Kin controller – Aegis: End/Rchg (L50)
  • Katie Hannon – L37 Spines/Dark scrapper – Stupefy: Acc/End/Rchg (L38)
  • Katie Hannon – L38 Dark/Dark defender – Gift of the Ancients: Increase run speed (L38)
  • Katie Hannon – L36 Fire/Rad controller – Positron’s Blast: Acc/Dmg/End (L36)
  • Katie Hannon – L36 Fire/Rad controller – Executioner’s Contract: Dmg/Rchg (L36)
  • Katie Hannon – L37 Dark/Dark defender – Kinetic Combat: Dmg/End/Rchg (L35)
  • Katie Hannon – L37 Spines/Dark scrapper – Trap of the Hunter: Acc/Immob/Rchg (L38)
  • Katie Hannon – L37 Dark/Dark defender – Edict of the Master: Defensive Aura for Pets (L38)
  • Katie Hannon – L36 Fire/Rad controller – Unbounded Leap: +stealth (L37)
  • Katie Hannon – L39 Fire/Rad controller – Aegis: End/Rchg/Res (L43)
  • Katie Hannon – L37 Dark/Dark defender – Glimpse of the Abyss: Acc/Fear/Rchg (L37)
  • Katie Hannon – L37Spines/Dark scrapper – Executioner’s Contract: Dmg/Rchg (L38)
  • Katie Hannon – L37 Dark/Dark defender – Miracle: +Recovery (L38)
  • Katie Hannon – L36 Spine/Dark scrapper – Impervium Armor: +Psy resist (L37)
  • Katie Hannon – L36 Fire/Rad controller – Edict of the Master: Damage (L37)
  • Katie Hannon – L35 Fire/Rad controller – Unspeakable Terror: Acc/Fear/Recharge (L30)
  • Katie Hannon – L35 Dark/Dark defender – Luck of the Gambler: Increased Recharge (L36)
  • Katie Hannon – L35 Fire/Rad controller – Time and Space manipulation: +stealth (L34)
  • Katie Hannon – L36 Spines/Dark scrapper – Numina’s Convalescence: Heal/Rchg (L37)
  • Katie Hannon – L35 Fire/Rad controller – Luck of the Gambler: End/Rchg (L36)
  • Katie Hannon – L35 Fire/Rad controller – Miracle: +recovery (L36)
  • Katie Hannon – L36 Spines/Dark scrapper – Sting of the Manticore: Acc/Int/Rng (L37)
  • Katie Hannon – L35 Fire/Rad controller – Induced Coma: Acc/Sleep/Rchg (L30)
  • Katie Hannon – L50 Fire/Kin controller – Executioner’s Contract: Dmg/Rchg (L50)
  • Katie Hannon – L35 Spines/Dark scrapper – Kinetic Combat: Dmg/End/Rchg (L35)
  • Katie Hannon – L35 Fire/Rad controller – Glimpse of the Abyss: Acc/Fear/Rech (L36)
  • Katie Hannon – L36 Dark/Dark defender – Trap of the Hunter: Acc/Immob/Rchg (L37)
  • Katie Hannon – L35 Fire/Rad controller – Devastation: Chance to Hold (L36)

2 thoughts on “My Task Force pool C invention drops”

  1. Wow, 7 Numinas heal/rech yet only one numina unique? Yeah good to know drop rates are random…

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