Random Merit Roles

With the old task force drop style gone, there is no need to update my old task force drops page.  With the new merit vendor method for drops, I decided to keep track of my merit random role results instead.  I should note that even before merits were announced, I had cut back significantly on my task force times.  I prefer to get rich off the ebbs and tides of the market.  That said, here’s what I have to date:

  • 2009-Feb-11 L50 D/D def – Devastation Dmg/Rchg (L50) – random L30-34 TF roll
  • 2009-Feb-11 L50 D/D def – Blessing of the Zephyr: Knockback reduction (L50) – random L30-34 TF roll
  • 2009-Feb-11 L50 D/D def – Stupefy: Chance for KB (L50) – random L30-34 TF roll
  • 2009-Feb-11 L12 Inv/Fire tank – Induced Coma: Chance for recharge slow (L12) – random L10-14 TF roll
  • 2009-Feb-11 L12 Inv/Fire tank – Blessing of the Zephyr: Knockback reduction (L12) – random L10-14 TF roll
  • 2009-Feb-11 L12 Inv/Fire tank – Shield Breaker: Chance for Lethal Damage (L12) – random L14-14 TF roll
  • 2009-Feb-05 L38 NW VEAT – Blessing of the Zephyr: Knockback reduction (L38) – random L34-39 TF roll
  • 2009-Feb-05 L38 DM/SR stalker – Mako’s Bite: Chance for Lethal(L38) – random L34-39 TF roll
  • 2009-Feb-05 L37 DM/SR stalker – Kinetic Combat: Dmg/End Rdx/Rchg (L35) – random L30-39 TF roll
  • 2009-Feb-04 L37 NW VEAT – Touch of Lady Grey: Rchg/End Rdx (L37) – random L34-39 TF roll
  • 2009-Feb-04 L37 NW VEAT – Numina’s Convalescence: Heal/Rchg (L37) – random L34-39 TF roll
  • 2009-Jan-11 L40 MA/Rgn scrapper – Pool 35-39 – Touch of the Nictus: Acc/End Rdx/Rchg (L40) – random L34-39 TF roll

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